Puerperal care in the light of the comfort theory: glimpsing the transcendence of the mother being

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Puerperal care in the light of the comfort theory: glimpsing the transcendence of the mother being

Glícia Mesquita Martiniano Mendonça, Leidy Dayane Paiva de Abreu, Francisca Alanny Araújo Rocha, Antonio Rodrigues Ferreira Junior, Ana Virgínia de Melo Fialho, Raimundo Augusto Martins Torres, Juliana Vieira Figueiredo Lima, Mônica de Sousa Araújo, Francisca Samara Sousa Alves, Clarisse Guimarães Matos and Ana Hirley Rodrigues Magalhães


Maternity, initially named as puerperium, is characterized by particularities that raise specific care based on the prevention of complications, and in the physical and emotional comfort for a healthy motherhood. Objective: To reflect on the subjectivity of puerperal care and the transcendence of being a mother in the light of the Comfort Theory. This is a descriptive study, of reflexive analysis type, performed in the first semester of 2017, which describesthe experience with a puerperal mother in a maternity school, located in the capital of the state of Ceará. Nursing care initially aims to help in adapting to the life processes and in the health/illness situations experienced by the person receiving the care. Nursing is responsible for assessing the comfort needs of the subject and for implementing measures that address them. We concluded that adoption of the comfort theory to provide clinical nursing care allows an individual, human and ethical approach, since it incorporates the needs pointed out by the individual, which enables that the care be personified. A limitation of the study refers to the description of the care provided to a single pregnant woman in a hospital environment.

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