Processo de trabalho de enfermeiros no serviço de urgência e emergência e segurança do paciente

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Processo de trabalho de enfermeiros no serviço de urgência e emergência e segurança do paciente

Paulo Alberto Gomes Meira Filho, Andresa Teixeira Santos, Sheylla Nayara Sales Vieira, Mara Lucia Miranda Silva, James Melo Silva e Gislene de Jesus Cruz Sanches


Objective: to evaluate the relationship between the work process of nurses working in the emergency and emergency service and the safety of patient care. Methods: descriptive, exploratory, transversal, quantitative, developed with 34 nurses from an emergency and emergency unit of a general hospital in southwestern Bahia, Brazil. Using two instruments, the first one consists of 12 items referring to the sociodemographic profile and working conditions, and the second instrument was the Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) questionnaire. Results: It was verified that the majority were female (70.6%), specialists (70.6%), (47.1%) professionals with two ties, significant associations were found between workload and patient safety. Conclusions: the need for change in hospital organizations, management strategies and innovative processes in favor of the culture of patient safety, as well as the possibility of minimizing work overload, related to the care process.

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