Prevalence and risk factors of health care associated infections in ICU: A Cross Sectional Study

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Prevalence and risk factors of health care associated infections in ICU: A Cross Sectional Study

Mr. Naveen Kumar and Dr. Vijay Singh Rawat


Abstract: Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are regarded as the most common adverse events in health care service delivery. Most Common types of HAIs includes Surgical Site infections (SSI), Urinary tract infections (UTI), Blood stream infections (BSI) and Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP). Adult inpatients in common specialties who developed hospital acquired infection (HAI) remained in hospital 2.5 times longer, incurred hospital costs almost three times higher. Present study aims to assess the prevalence and risk factors of health care associated infections in ICU. Material & Method: The quantitative non-experimental research approach and descriptive cross-sectional research design were adopted for this study. Convenience sampling technique was used for sample selection. The data were observed from 300patients admitted in ICU who were connected to mechanical ventilator. Structured tool was used to gather the data. Through SPSS, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results: Findings showed that prevalence of health care associated infections (VAP) was 22(7.3%) and found to be caused by E coli, klebsiella, streptococcus pneumonia and Hemophilus. Prevalence of CAUTI was 35(11.7%) in which organism was found to be caused by E coli, klebsiella and Proteus. Conclusion: The study's findings showed that VAP (7.3%) and CAUTI (11.7%) were the most common illnesses linked to HAIs. By adhering to standard protocols, taking precautions, and equipping healthcare workers with the proper protective gear, infections associated with healthcare can be prevented.

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