Obesity And Flexibility In Children And Teenagers: A Literature Review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Obesity And Flexibility In Children And Teenagers: A Literature Review

Cristianne Confessor CastilhoLopes, Daniela dos Santos, Eduarda Zamboni Locatelli, Eduardo Barbosa Lopes, Lucas Castilho Lopes, Vanessa da Silva Barros, Marivane Lemos, Paulo Sérgio Silva, Youssef Elias Ammar and 6Heliude de Quadros


Childhood obesity has become a problem of increasing concern worldwide, characterized as a chronic non-communicable disease, and in view of its appearance, concerns related to child development arise. Among the factors most affected by obesity, flexibility is one of the most important, because the body constitution significantly interferes with its development. The aim of this study was to relate childhood obesity to flexibility. This study was a bibliographic review, in which the words childhood obesity and flexibility and their correspondence in English, “childhood obesity” and “flexibility” were consulted in the electronic databases Pubmed, Google Acadêmico and Scielo. Articles with the presence of the words cited in the full article and articles that fit the theme chosen in the title were included, and articles published before the year 2000 or that did not fit the topics researched were used as exclusion criteria. In total, 20 articles were selected to read the abstract and / or the full article and those that did not say about the objective of this study were excluded. At the end, only 09 articles were selected to carry out the discussion on the proposed objective. In the results section, it was possible to observe that children diagnosed with obesity have changes in the levels of flexibility when compared to individuals considered eutrophic. It´s possible to conclude that healthy eating habits associated with regular physical activity have a positive influence on children's flexibility.

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