O processo de trabalho em saúde: o que se pensa e o que se faz com isso dentro da saúde pública Brasileira?

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

O processo de trabalho em saúde: o que se pensa e o que se faz com isso dentro da saúde pública Brasileira?

Carlos André Silva do Vale, Cleide Correia Oliveira, Joaquim Rangel Lucio da Penha, Lucas da Silva Santos, Laisse Rafaela Arruda, Jakeline Maria da Silva and Marina Maria Austregésilo Saraiva da Silva


This article aims to bring the contributions of Brazilian public health thinkers about the health work process, pointing out the theoretical and critical networks that are part of the care and management logic involved in the health care supply process. For this, a bibliographic study, of an exploratory and qualitative nature was carried out in the works of authors Emerson Elias Merhy and Gastão Wagner de Souza Campos. In the findings, it is added the emerging concern of the thinkers to extract from the health its political and affective dimension, from the propositions on the ways of lives that are produced within the process of work in health. They confront paradigms and hegemonic models and propose the reinvention of care technologies through the path of micropolitics and participatory co-management, an example of which is the Padéia Method. Thus, analytically reflecting health work makes it possible to present ways to other ways of acting as a user, worker and manager in health institutions, from training in educational spaces to making micro-political action a permanent formative perspective within a pedagogy of action.

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