Multidisciplinary treatment for unilateral cleft palate repair: 12-year follow-up

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Multidisciplinary treatment for unilateral cleft palate repair: 12-year follow-up

Idalisio Soares Aranha Neto, Carlos Henrique Bettoni Cruz e Castro, Amaro Ilidio Vespasiano Silva, Isabela de Castro Ribeiro, Anna Beatriz Andrade Mateus, Paulo Antônio Martins-Júnior and Flávio Ricardo Manzi


Non syndromic cleft lip and palate is a common congenital anomaly. The treatment planning must be individualized for each patient, because there are individual needs that must be respected. The study reports a 12-year follow-up after the treatment of a young male patient with a right unilateral trans-foramen cleft, and absence maxillary left central incisor. The treatment firstly consisted of autogenous bone graft procedure to close the region, followed by insertion of an osseointegrated implant and rehabilitation with an implant supported metalloceramic dental prosthesis. The case presented satisfactory results after a time interval of over a decade after finishing the treatment.

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