Relation of h. pylori to gastric cancer
International Journal of Development Research
Relation of h. pylori to gastric cancer
Received 17th February, 2021; Received in revised form 29th March, 2021; Accepted 17th April, 2021; Published online 22th May, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Keyllane Da Silva Lindoso Duarte et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introduction: Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) is a gram negative bacterium spiraled in the gastric epithelium. This bacterium is responsible for triggering benign inflammatory processes and is considered a carcinogenic agent. Methodology: This is a bibliographic review based on the analysis of published works, evaluating the relationship between H.Pylori and the development of gastric cancer based on keywords indexed in the DECs (described in science and health): “Helicobacter Pylori” “Cancer” “Stomach” “Gastric cancer” and information from INCA (National Cancer Institute). Result and Discussions: Helicobacter Pyloriinfection is associated with gastric neoplasms in which adenocarcinomas are the most prevalent, with more than 90% of cases. The diagnosis is made through EDA (Upper Digestive Endoscopy) with biopsy of the lesions and has a sensitivity of 97%. The treatment of H. pylori in the patient diagnosed with gastric cancer depends on the type of neoplasia. Conclusion: The relationship between H.Pylori and neoplastic processes is evident. Therefore, proper diagnosis and treatment in all carriers of the bacterium is essential in order to reduce the risk of developing gastric cancer.