The application of david a. kolb’s experiential learning model to teach the science subject in primary schools for students’ competency development: results from a pedagogical experimental study in ho chi minh city, Vietnam

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

The application of david a. kolb’s experiential learning model to teach the science subject in primary schools for students’ competency development: results from a pedagogical experimental study in ho chi minh city, Vietnam


Organizing experiential activities and developing students’ competencies are the two main concerns in the renovation of the General Education Curriculum at the primary level. Particularly, experiential activities are the learning theory that lies at the heart of education with an orientation toward the development of students’ competencies. They provide detailed guidelines to develop students’ foundational experience toward the learning outcomes of the subject and the education level, thus, developing competencies. Applying Kolb’s experiential learning model to teach the science subject in primary schools helps develop students’ competencies. Using a pedagogical experimental approach, the article presents the results of administering a pedagogical treatment to clarify the relationship between applying a science teaching model adapted from Kolb’s experiential learning model with the development of students’ competencies in primary schools in Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The findings contribute to promoting the renovation of the current primary education in Vietnam.

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