Business cycle synchronization and trade intensity: the case of Tunisia: 1980-2018

International Journal of Development Research

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8 pages
Research Article

Business cycle synchronization and trade intensity: the case of Tunisia: 1980-2018

Dr. Nizar Ben Abdallah


Following the crisis of 2008, Tunisia experienced an economic recession characterized by a high unemployment rate consequence by the decline in these exports after the decline in demand of the European Union which is the main trading partner for the Tunisian economy. France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Belgium absorb more than 67.89% of Tunisian exports. To absorb the negative effects of this economic dependence in the existence of a crisis, other new markets must be explored. The most important market in the last decade is the African market which is distinguished by an average real gross domestic product growth, approximately 5%. In this sense, we will study, in this research, the correlation of the Tunisian economic cycle as well as the degree of commercial intensity with that of the main European partner countries.

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