Colostomia por acidente de trabalho: relato de caso

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Colostomia por acidente de trabalho: relato de caso

Cassilene Oliveira da Silva, Aloma Sena Soares, Annela Isabell Santos da Silva, Monique Teresa Amoras Nascimento, Lucas Ribeiro Cunha and Regina Ribeiro Cunha


Objective: To report a case of occupational accident that resulted in ostomy-generating surgery. Case Detail: The worker was rescued by co-workers and removed by mobile emergency service to the referral trauma hospital of the municipality. Nursing Diagnosis and Prescription were determined to meet the affected needs. The work accident, in addition to being unexpected, suddenly and traumatically interrupts the worker's life, revealing the need for guidance on transient physical limitations, return to daily activities and in this case the programming of a new surgical intervention. Final considerations: It is concluded that it is important for the Stomach Therapist Nurse to perform the Nursing Consultation to perform the necessary care and guidance to the person with ostomy, in order to solve doubts and anxieties that will arise at this time.

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