Evaluation economies dans l’activitépétrolière

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Evaluation economies dans l’activitépétrolière

NIANGORAN Kouadio Charles, KOUAME Euloge, AKA EhuiBeh Jean Constantin and KOUADIO Koffi Thierry Stéphane


The oil business carries a high level of risk and requires significant financial capital. A large part of this capital is channeled by international oil companies whose main objective is to renew their reserves and guarantee a competitive return. It is therefore important in the definition and negotiation of oil contracts to understand the risky nature of the oil business, the different sources of risk and the ability of the various parties to ensure such a risk. Then, to carry out the economic evaluation of an oil project, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the evaluation, namely the contractual parameters (types and characteristics of the contracts), the technical parameters and the economic parameters which serve as a basis for the evaluation. profitability assessment. This step is followed by the analysis of economic evaluations that is done through the construction of the economic model. The latter is based on cash flow that requires both technical and economic information such as hydrocarbon reserves, oil production forecasts and gas sales, capital invested, operating costs hydrocarbon price forecasts and the host government tax system.

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