Management of requisitions and incidents in the judiciary of tocantins

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Management of requisitions and incidents in the judiciary of tocantins

Alice Carla de Sousa Setúbal, Tiago Sousa Luz and Gentil Veloso Barbosa


This article aims to analyze the implementation of the processes of management of compliance with requests and incidents, based on the Information Technology Infraestructure Library (ITIL), in the Judiciary of Tocantins (PJTO). The description of the compliance management process of requests and incidents will be presented with the presentation of the steps. The study also presents the result of the maturity level assessment defined in COBIT, as well as the benefits of the implementation of ITIL, as well as the improvements arising from the use of good practices in information technology services management and Communication.

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