Serviço de transporte eletivo: gestão do paciente portador de doença crônica não transmissível utilizando sondas

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Serviço de transporte eletivo: gestão do paciente portador de doença crônica não transmissível utilizando sondas


The lack of communication and organization between health points ends up generating losses and increasing costs for the patient and the health system. This paper Propose measures to qualify the logistics of elective health transport. The methodology consists of a review of the literature with documental support of data registered in the elective transport service. It was noticed that during these transports that many health points responsible to meet this demand do not have available material or professional that carries out the exchange procedure. We concluded that the short-term measures would be the establishment of the communication, acquisition of material as a medium-term and long-term measure would be the implementation of a pilot project of the network of care for the person with chronic illness that would include the elective transportation service in the logistics component.

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