Nutrient availability and body composition of semi scavenging giribaz pigeon (Columba livia)
International Journal of Development Research
Nutrient availability and body composition of semi scavenging giribaz pigeon (Columba livia)
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate nutrient availability and body composition of semi scavenging Giribaz pigeon. The average DM, CP, CF, EE, ash, NFE, Ca and Av. P in crop and gizzard contents of male and female pigeon were 716.75, 108.50, 50.55, 15.90, 49.60, 574.25, 0.54 and 0.22 g/kg, respectively. The ME contents was 14.20 MJ/kg DM. The average live weight was 297.30g for male pigeon and 267.70g for female pigeon. Dressing percentage, total meat, breast meat, head and gizzard were 62.60, 34.52, 23.63, 3.09 and 1.91% for male pigeon and 56.80, 28.22, 19.45, 4.24 and 2.63% for female pigeon respectively. Live weight, dressing percentage, total meat and breast meat were (11.06, 5.80, 6.30 and 4.18%) higher (P<0.01) in males than females. While, females had heavier (P<0.01) head and gizzard (1.15 and 0.72 %) than males. It is concluded that feeds in crop and gizzard of pigeon were low in CP, EE, NFE, Ash, Ca and Av. P but higher in CF and ME. Supplemental diet like CP, EE, NFE, Ash, Ca and Av. P were rich, whereas low in CF that could increase the production of semi scavenging pigeon. Nutrient availability and body composition between male and female pigeon is apparently negligible difference.