Historical Series Of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Incidence In Children Under Age Five In Northeastern Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Historical Series Of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Incidence In Children Under Age Five In Northeastern Brazil

Raylla Coutinho de Oliveira, Silas Alves da Silva, Suellen de Sá Sousa, Felipe Melo da Silva, Ana Flávia Mendes Soares, Isabele Cruz Luna, Wendell Soares Carneiro, Államy Danilo Moura e Silva and Jailson Alberto Rodrigues


It was sought to analyze the incidence rate of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - AIDS in children from zero to five years of age, aiming to translate the panorama of AIDS in northeastern Brazil. It was developed a quantitative study of the temporal trend of the annual incidence rate of cases in children under five years of age, residing in Northeastern Brazil, from the records between the years 2005 and 2015. An analysis was conducted (ANOVA one-way), to verify the difference between the average of observations of incidence rates. For this, the assumption of data normality was assumed and, the equality of variances (homoscedasticity hypothesis) was verified through the Levene’s test. The ANOVA, performed at a significance level of 0.05%, made it possible to affirm that there is statistical evidence to accept the hypothesis that the annual average of AIDS incidence rates in each state, in children under five years of age, in the study period, are equals. With the analyzes performed, it is possible to identify that, even in the face of the accomplished achievements of the decrease and stabilization of the incidence rates of AIDS among children under five.

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