Effectiveness of cooperative learning learning model on shooting technique engineering school students mts n 6 model padang city

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Effectiveness of cooperative learning learning model on shooting technique engineering school students mts n 6 model padang city

Apriyanti Rahmalia and Meiriani Armen


The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of learning cooperative learning model in improving soccer shooting technique skill. The problem with this research is the lack of student shooting skills in the game of football. The method of this research is experimental method using design pretest and posttest, and giving 16 treatments. The subjects of this study were all students of MTs N 6 Model of Padang City who took active soccer extracurricular, as many as 20 people. The extracurricular activities were conducted through SSB Putra Wijaya in the Yonif 133 Y / S field. The research instrument used to collect data in this research is the test shoot / kick the ball to the target (shooting). Where the objective measures the skill of shooting the ball quickly and precisely toward the target. Data analysis was performed by normality test with liliefors and t test. The results showed the effectiveness of learning cooperative learning model significantly improve the skills of football shooting techniques MTS N 6 School Model Model padang, with the calculation obtained tcount = 7.12 > ttable = 2.27 at 5% significance level.

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