A training tool for international classification of functioning, disability and health application by physical therapy students

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

A training tool for international classification of functioning, disability and health application by physical therapy students

Karoleen Oswald Scharan, Rafaella Stradiotto Bernardelli, Katren Pedroso Corrêa, Tauane Gomes da Silva, Fernanda Cury Martins and Auristela Duarte de Lima Moser


Objective: To identify the potential contribution of an ICF-based tool in physical therapy academic training. Method: A set of ICF diagram was analyzed where students from a clinical school at a private university in Curitiba, Paraná, expressed physiotherapeutic evaluations results. Results: Body Functions and Body Structures categories were predominant. The anamnesis included categories of Activities and Participation and Environmental Factors, but they were not explored in detail by the students. Conclusion: The diagram favors ICF application but a more comprehensive use of components needs to be done to standardize and systematize the language.

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