The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance and the biosynthesis of pyrimidine ribonucleotides after partial, complete stop of proton, electron flows

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

The full 9 stepped cycle of proton conductance and the biosynthesis of pyrimidine ribonucleotides after partial, complete stop of proton, electron flows

Ambaga, M. and Tumen-Ulzii, A.


The 5-phosphoribosyl - alpha - pyrophosphate (PRPP) molecules, which have been synthesized with participation of ribose-5 phosphate formed in the pentose phosphate pathway and CO2, ATP molecules formed within reaction mediums as “Donators + membrane - redox potentials three - state line system + O2 + АDP + Pi + H+ + nH + membrane space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2” owing to the clockwise normal flow of electrons and protons by including in the structure of orotidine monophosphate after conducting the corresponding reactions became the unseparable structural parts of pyrimidine ribonucleotides, also DNA, RNA molecules. If happens any disturbance in the system of delivery of Donators and acceptors as O2 to equation reaction medums as “Donators + membrane - redox potentials three - state line system + O2 + АDP + Pi + H+ + nH + membrane space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2” it would lead to partial, complete stopping the clockwise normal flow of electrons, protons with disturbance of formation of ATP and with disturbance of biosynthesis of orotidine monophosphate and pyrimidine ribonucleotides.

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