Analysis of scientific publications on the sustainable development goals in engineering research field

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Analysis of scientific publications on the sustainable development goals in engineering research field

Adriana Valélia Saraceni, Luis Mauricio Resende, Viliam Makis and Marcos William Kaspchak Machado


This study aims at analyzing the correlation of scientific publications on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the area of Industrial Engineering. The recurrent indication of multidisciplinarity of the concept and the need for the formulation of means to implement the SDGs justify the importance concerning this theme in Industrial Engineering and originality of this work. To achieve the objective proposed in this study, a literature review using the Methodi Ordinatio method was used as a methodological procedure. The results come from 1566 initially analyzed articles containing the term "Sustainable Development Goals" by applying alignment criteria of the research to the SDGs concept and to Industrial Engineering. The journals in which the articles were published are also analyzed. The results show the beginning of the theme within Industrial Engineering, indicating a vast field to be explored by this science, which can be a strong ally in formulating and conducting challenges concerning the Sustainable Development Goals and the future of nations, and stress the novelty of studying SDGs in industrial engineering.

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