Mapping and assessment of pochamma kunta slum using remote sensing and GIS

International Journal of Development Research

Mapping and assessment of pochamma kunta slum using remote sensing and GIS


In the developing countries, the acute problem of slum formation is found not only in the big cities but also in medium and small cities and towns "A slum is a contiguous settlement where the inhabitants are characterized as having inadequate housing and basic services”-. Because of the high, proportion of slum dwellers among the urban population, the problems of urban poverty areas are of particular concern. In most of the municipal areas proper up-to-date maps of slums along with proper database and genesis of its growth are not available which create problem in developmental process. Thus, it is important to analyze the slum formation, slum morphology and impact on surroundings to improve quality of life of slum dwellers. Hence, the main aim of the project is to map the slums and identify the physical characteristics of the slum areas and to present a comprehensive picture of slums in two aspects, i.e., spatial distribution and growth, and physical infrastructural services related to slums. The slum selected for the present study is Pochammakunta (Burial ground); is a under non notified slum in Warangal municipal boundary. Cartosat_II image is used for mapping of pochammakunta. Survey slum map  is used for mapping of pochammakunta. Non spatial data for this slums have been collected from the field survey with the Questionnaire. Slum spatial layers have been digitized for all the houses in GIS environment. The attribute data obtained from the field survey has been added to the spatial layers. Mapping has been done based on the facilities in a particular house and severity maps showing the condition of the slum have been generated. In pochammakunta slum all houses have severity grade poor and very poor. Pochammakunta contains 111 houses. It contain 84 'houses under kachacha, 22 under pakka, and 5 under poor condition. Hence, these slum maps based on different parameters helps the user to analyze and understand the condition easily.

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