Access and use of contraceptive methods in the post-conflict rural health zone of pinga, north kivu province, dr congo

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Access and use of contraceptive methods in the post-conflict rural health zone of pinga, north kivu province, dr congo

Anthony Musafiri Mugisho


This study focuses on access to and use of contraceptive methods in rural health areas. It was carried out through the organization of Focus Group Discussions with young people of childbearing age, young adults and adults in order to collect their opinions on contraceptive methods and the obstacles to using them.The choice of the study was motivated by the fact, in general, the studies have shown that there is a low use of family planning among couples in DR Congo, with the consequences of the demographic explosion, the growth maternal morbidity and infant mortality. This situation is more accentuated in rural areas, because other obstacles to access to planning methods are legion, in particular cultural, religious or family limits, lack of knowledge of the methods, low level of education of the population, rumors and misinformation about the benefits and consequences of using family planning methods, the absence of qualified family planning providers and related inputs. Thus, the use of modern concepts is quite high in urban areas than in rural areas. Despite differing opinions on contraceptive methods, women were receptive and willing to use the methods, however family dialogue is needed to avoid any objection from their husbands.

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