Estimating growth rates, decomposition analysis and instability of Groundnut crop production in Andhra Pradesh

International Journal of Development Research

Estimating growth rates, decomposition analysis and instability of Groundnut crop production in Andhra Pradesh


The main objectives of the study are to examine the trends in area, production and productivity of groundnut in Andhra Pradesh over a period of 1995-96 to 2010-2011. Compound growth rates of area production and productivity were estimated by fitting semi log trend equation. Decomposition of output growth of groundnut was examined by fitting component analysis model. The study analyzed that area, production and productivity had decreased during the study period i.e. 1995-96 to 2010-2011.The compound growth rates of area production and productivity of ground nut over the period shows negatively non significant. The coefficient of variations of area production and productivity were 15.2, 41.4and 31.69 respectively indicating that there is lot of variation in production and productivity of groundnut in Andhra Pradesh. Further, the study conducted a decomposition analysis to determine the contribution of different components to the growth rate. The decomposition analysis revealed that in the total production of groundnut was completely due to the change in area under the crop as the yield and interaction effects were very small.

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