Named data networking technology and its applications in today’s world

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Named data networking technology and its applications in today’s world

Vanshika, Manmohan Singh Bisht and Dr. M. P. Vani


NAMED NAMED DATA NETWORKING also known as NDN, is a network architecture which depicts a new way to browse or design the Internet. Its main purpose is to shift the focus from the current host-centric network model, in which the communication is based on IP addresses and point-to-point communication, to a data-centric model. NDN is an alternative for the traditional host-centric networking architecture, which is based on “Internet Protocol” (IP). It is a useful networking model which allows content directly addressable and routable. IP addresses are replaced by specific names hierarchically for each content object. In addition to providing data security directly, which enables resilient communication in dynamic environments like mobile ad hoc networks and allows the content of each data packet to be verified, the consumer is able to request the data content using the application layer names, which is very beneficial for managing and optimizing the network traffic. Additionally, it offers built-in multicast, in-network caching, multipath forwarding, and direct data security, among other advantages for network communication. It also provides various benefits to network communication, which therefore includes built-in multicast, in-network caching, multipath forwarding, and secures data directly.

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