Lei Nº 13.979 – flexibilização das compras públicas em meio ao covid-19

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Lei Nº 13.979 – flexibilização das compras públicas em meio ao covid-19

Aluísio Mário Lins Souto, Ana Flavia Lins Souto and Camyla Rodrigues Guedes Martins


Contracts and acquisitions of goods and services made by the Brazilian Public Administration are governed by laws that make the bidding process the rule, even addressing situations where there is the possibility of dispensation and unenforceability. In the middle of the fast forward of the COVID-19pandemic in Brazil and the extent of damage that this virus has been causing to public health, some laws, provisional measures, and other official documents have already taken effect bringing legislative innovations to the public purchases process, such as Law No. 13.979/2020.This new law, in force since February 2020, guides measures for the emergency confrontation of the new coronavirus, including the application of the dispense and flexibilization of bidding for immediate actions in favor of public health and combating the pandemic. However, even if the new rules, in particular the aforementioned law, are turning the bidding process faster, public managers should not misrepresent the purpose of these facilities and act unethically. In this sense, the government has made a transparency website available for anyone to monitor all the dispenses and transactions that are happening during the corona virus. Everyone must work for public health, but with integrity, planning, and evaluating the best actions and decisions.

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