Intestinal obstruction secundary to gallstone ileus: A Case Reports and a sistematic review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Intestinal obstruction secundary to gallstone ileus: A Case Reports and a sistematic review

Igor Fernando Satin de Oliveira; Brenda Flores de Campo; Alana Vasconcelos S. Santos; Pedro Somma Pereira; Paulo Gomes Nascimento Prompto; Pedro Henrique Feiten Terciotti; Nathália dos Santos Ribeiro; Pedro Henrique Breves; Ana Letícia Dornelas Moreira; Mariana Soares Gaudio; Andreia Carneiro Schuabb and Arildo Antônio de Campos Junior


Gallstone ileus is a rare complication of cholelithiasis, responsible for 4% of all cases of abdominal mechanical obstruction. Is caused by calculus impact in gastrointestinal treatment after a bilioenteric fistula which, in 60% of cases, is cholecystoduodenal. His treatment is eminently surgical. The authors report a clinical case of a 68-year-old patient, who appeared at the Nova Iguaçu General Hospital, suffering from abdominal distension, associated with the elimination of flatus and feces. The diagnosis of intestinal obstruction secondary to gallstone ileus is based on a history, physical examination and abdominal tomography. Exploratory laparotomy was performed with enterotomy and stone removal and subsequent enterorrhaphy, without manipulation of the gallbladder or bilioenteric fistula at this first moment. To complement the study, a bibliographic survey was carried out, through a search in the databases PUBMED, EMBASE, LILACS, Scielo and MEDLINE, using the following terms: “Cholelitíase” AND “Biliary Ileus” AND “Intestinal Obstrução” AND “review”.

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