Impacts of displacement: understanding women’s impoverishment and recent developments

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Impacts of displacement: understanding women’s impoverishment and recent developments

Dr. Ranjita Behera


Woman has not even been referred to in any of the state policies. Only through the court can she file for claim in the monetary compensation received by her husband. She will not been titled to a separate package. A deserted woman with three India has been undertaking development project to improve the quality of life of its people through “planned development” under the successive five-year plans. Such projects include dams, power, mining, industrial and allied infrastructures, transport network, urban development, 3commercial forestry and other projects. Some of these projects have brought adverse effects in the form of displacement of people from their original place of habitation due to large-scale land accusation. My study is to focus on women’s plight and suffering caused due to development induced displacement in two mega projects such as Vedanta in Lanjigarh and POSCO in Paradeep in Odisha. Some specific objectives are analyzed in the context of globalization vs development projects its impact on women on this papers.

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