Impactos da discriminação no cuidado perinatal de homens transgênero impacts of discrimination in transgender men perinatal health care

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Impactos da discriminação no cuidado perinatal de homens transgênero impacts of discrimination in transgender men perinatal health care


Objective: To analyze scientific evidence on the experience of transgender men during pregnancy and their perspectives on health services. Method: Integrative literature review, built from research in Pubmed, Virtual Health Library, Scopus and Web of Science databases, with the guiding question: “What’s the experience of transgender men during pregnancy about health services?”. Results: 698 articles were captured, electing 9 for review. The analysis made it possible to identify three thematic categories: Structural barriers to health care in the pregnancy of transgender men; Obstetric care beyond cisgender women; Organization of health services for monitoring the pregnancy of transgender men: the Brazilian background. Conclusion: Transgender men may wish to build a family and affirm their gender, but to this group have comprehensive care, it’s necessary to train the health team and to build ways to guarantee reproductive rights.

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