Holistic health potential of indian pennywort (centella asiatica (l.) urban): a review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Review Article

Holistic health potential of indian pennywort (centella asiatica (l.) urban): a review

Dr. Lalit Raj Singh and Dr. Karan Singh


This paper deals with focussing on multitherapeutic effects of Indian Pennywort in curing number of ailments in different healing systems. Aim of this study was to review the efficieny of plant in curing various ailments and disorders such as Chronic fever, Bone T.B., Tuberculosis, Blood purifier, Detoxificant, Urinary tract infection, Leprosy, Dermatitis, Pruritis, Hair fall, greying hairs, Rheumatic affections, Cardio tonic, Cardiac spasm, Hypertension, Asthma, Insomnia, Aging retardant, Syphilis, Epilepsy, Female hormonal disorders and Alzheimers disease. It is also used as general tonic to enhance vigour and vitality of the body. Ethnomedicinal uses of the plants help in curing various disorder/disease in human. Purity, strength and therapeutic index of the GACP plants is higher. Indian Pennywort (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) is wonder herb and considered as one of the very important divine plant of the world. Distributed all over India but specially concentrated from Haridwar up to more than 600 m in himalayan tracts.

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