Health educational nursing actions related to homophobic bullying with students: integrative review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Health educational nursing actions related to homophobic bullying with students: integrative review

AndréaRoges Loureiro, Carla Andreia Alves de Andrade, Ricardo Alexandre Muniz, Maria Elaine da Silva, Esmeraldo Rodrigues de Lima Neto, Alberto Magalhães Pires, Eliane Maria Ribeiro de Vasconcelos and Ednaldo Cavalcante de Araújo


In order to identify the actions of health education fulfilled by nurses related to homophobic bullying, search was accomplished, the databases: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, CINAHAL, IBECS, ADOLEC, CIDSAÚDE, ERIC, APA PYSICNET, SOCINDEX, LILACS, BDENF and WEB OF SCIENCE, from the descriptors (DeCS / MeSH): Students, bullying, homophobia and nursing, in the Portuguese, Spanish and English languages, in the period of 2011-2017. The selected studies were evaluated regarding methodological approach and level of evidence. The results revealed that the actions of nursing care and health education practices with a multi-professional aspect when focused on a holistic view of homophobic bullying, are presented as a resource capable of establishing dialogic spaces between students in their formation process of teaching learning, as well as between the family and the community from their cultural realities, stimulating new perceptions and behaviors before the integrality and the diversity of the other. It is concluded that nursing care actions and educational practices in health, besides fostering an interactive and integrative space, also allow new approaches to promote a healthy school environment that can reduce harmful effects on the health and well-being of teenagers.

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