Evidence on clinical manifestations of gestation: a review study

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Evidence on clinical manifestations of gestation: a review study

Emelline Silva Rodrigues Matos; Guilherme Frederico Abdul Nour; Regina Claudia Correia Benício; Juliana Oliveira Brito; Luana Barbosa da Silva; Tennyson Kesler Lustosa de Morais; Renata Juliana Pereira de Moraes Trindade; Francisca Lucinete Oliveira do Carmo and Mariza Silva de Oliveira


Objective: to describe the current evidence on the clinical manifestations of gestation. Methods: it is an integrative review carried out between November and December 2015, in databases of the Virtual Health Library. Results: from the search in the databases were found 112 articles that addressed the proposed theme , In applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 100 studies were excluded because they did not address relevant concepts within the scope of the review, thus, 12 scientific articles were analyzed. Conclusion: There are several alterations that involve mechanisms of anatomical, physiological and biochemical adaptations in the short gestational time interval, among them: cutaneous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, urinary, sensory, sexual and psychosocial alterations, among others. It has been noticed in some studies that many pregnant women consider such manifestations as "diseases" and not as normal physiological adaptations. It is necessary to increase the attention of professionals to these changes, thus guaranteeing greater effectiveness and a prenatal humanized follow-up.

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