Electrical energy audit evaluation in Jimma University

International Journal of Development Research

Electrical energy audit evaluation in Jimma University


The research aimed at obtaining a detail idea about the various end uses of energy consumption activities and identifying, and evaluating the possible energy saving opportunities. Longitudinal design method was employed starting from October of 2013 to June of 2015. The findings of the research indicated the presence of various types of energy wasting electrical equipment and poor awareness of energy saving mechanism among staff and students of the university. Among the interviewed students 132(66%) of them are not turn off the light when they go to bed. Among interviewed staff 173(72%) are not switch off the computers at their lunch time and also 79(33%) are not turn off their office light when they go to their house. Specific energy consumption is 140 Kwh/person /annum. Financial analysis performed for the Fluorescent Tube Lamp (FTL), Air Conditioner (AC) and Computers (cathode Ray Computers) with present system cost and as a result if the university implement the result, possible to reduce current energy bill by 435754 Birr ($21787) which is 10% of the current bill. Moreover the study suggests that there should be a mechanisms to enhance awareness and behavioral change among students and staff with respect to energy saving.

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