Economia solidária: estratégia para o empoderamento usuários/familiares na atenção psicossocial

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Economia solidária: estratégia para o empoderamento usuários/familiares na atenção psicossocial

Cleide Correia de Oliveira, Fancisca Laudeci Martins Souza, Kelly Vanessa Leite Gomes da Silva, EdilmaGomes Rocha Cavalcante and Roque Wilkson Fernandes Oliveira


The objective was to find out how Solidarity Economy strategies favor CAPS users' citizenship through the process of social inclusion through work. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Held in November 2019, in a city in the interior of Ceará, Brazil. Family members and users participating in treatment of a Psychosocial Care Center, identified through the snowball sampling or "Snowball" technique, participated. A semi-structured interview was used, submitted to Bardin's content analysis. 66 participants participated, being 33 people with mental disorders and 33 family members. Three thematic categories emerged: Workshop activities held in CAPS from the users' perspective: Feelings experienced by users in the development of workshops and Perception of family members about CAPS income generation workshops. It was identified that CAPS develops timid initiatives of the income generation workshop, although the participants stressed the importance of these activities for income and work generation.

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