Construction of an educational technology about reception in primary care

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Construction of an educational technology about reception in primary care

Francisco Mayron Morais Soares, Karla Yanca de Sousa Tabosa, Kirley Kethellen Batista Mesquita, Ana Isabella Braz Jácome, Aurora Pinheiro Vale, Alyne Alves da Silva, Vicente Bruno de Freitas Guimarães, Aluízio Rodrigues Guimarães Júnior, Eryka Maria Rodrigues Pereira, 6Glaucirene Siebra Moura Ferreira, Tatyane Oliveira Rebouças, Patrícia Giselle Freitas Marques, Ana Carolina Melo Farias Teixeira, Francisco Ivanildo Sales Ferreira and Cassia Maria Holanada Menezes


Objective: To present the construction of an educational booklet on reception and risk classification in primary care. Methodology: The present study is a methodological research, whose four stages were elaborated for the construction of the booklet, namely: bibliographic survey, integrative review, textual elaboration and creation of the booklet. Results: With regard to the first stage, the keywords "reception" and "primary care" and the keyword "risk classification" were used, resulting in 10 articles surveyed, of which after applying the inclusion / exclusion criteria 7 In the second stage, an integrative review was chosen to ensure a precise and objective analysis of the theme. For the third stage, the theoretical subsidy that would appear in the booklet was constructed. Finally, in the fourth stage, the booklet was made, with regard to its layout and images. The strategy of creating the booklet is of vital importance due to the humanization policy that brings with it from the reception of patients to the valorization of individualities based on the urgency of each case. Conclusion: The use of technologies is essential when talking about primary care because it is aimed at sharing and exchanging knowledge between the different protagonists present in these services.

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