Comparison of addition of blood flow restriction training to aerobic training in VO2 MÁX changes in young individuals

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Comparison of addition of blood flow restriction training to aerobic training in VO2 MÁX changes in young individuals

PRIMO, Joane Tavares, SANTOS, Kleyton Trindade, MACEDO, Igor Oliveira, RODRIGUES, Nara Lourdes Moreno, EVANGELISTA, Carlos Machado Ataíde, JÚNIOR, Virgílio Santana ROCHA, Adriele Souza and SOUZA, Lázaro Silva


The aim of the study is to make a comparison between Aerobic Training with Blood Flow Restriction and Aerobic Training in Vo2max change in young individuals. From a randomized clinical trial, from the study “Physiotherapeutic performance in orthopedic and sports dysfunctions”, approved by the Ethics Committee in Bahia, where sedentary and inactive participants, randomly distributed in two groups, one performs the aerobic training and the other a training with restriction of blood flow to verify the increase in Vo2max. They were evaluated before and after the intervention through the Cooper test and thigh circumference in 12 sessions. The data tabulated and analyzed in the statistical package for the social sciences, using the T-student test, checking the pre and post averages and the nonparametric U-test, established the correlation between the results by group with a significance level of 95%. (α = 0.05). The variable Vo2 shows significant in both groups, but the aerobic is more effective than the training with blood flow restriction in the perimetry evaluation. The aerobic has better evaluation than the restriction of blood flow, both showed effective in increasing Vo2max, for the gain of hypertrophy, the aerobic has comparative relevance.

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