Cesarian section in a sow with uterine torsion and vaginal prolapse

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Cesarian section in a sow with uterine torsion and vaginal prolapse

Krueger, L., Coradassi, PHF., Coradassi, CE., Yonezawa, LA and Barros Filho IR de


The incidence of vaginal prolapse in sows is low and their predisposition may be associated with the delivery process, while uterine torsion is rare and can lead to fetal death. The article describes the procedure performed on a sow that presented with vaginal prolapse. During transvaginal palpation there was a cervical opening, but palpation was prevented at some point. This led to the suspicion of uterine torsion and an emergency cesarean section surgery was performed, where the diagnosis was confirmed. Seven piglets were born with life and a mummified fetus. The vaginal prolapse was corrected and the sow and piglets are well. It is concluded that rapid diagnosis was essential to save the life of the sow and the piglets. The procedure and the anesthesia used were effective.

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