Breakthrough technology to benefit the human population, answering sugar the global issue

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Breakthrough technology to benefit the human population, answering sugar the global issue

Dr. C. K. Nandagopalan


The world challenge facing humanity is connected to the fourth largest disaccharide carbohydrate sugar - cane and beet, which is the only preferred sweetener connected to our daily life. Fructose declared the white poison and responsible for human metabolic imbalance, which is the established fact through many hundreds of research from the year 1970. One more challenge connected to sugar being the high glycemic index food not suitable for the huge diabetic population around the world. The only choice to address “sugar the challenge” is to convert fructose molecule to aldehyde group make it digestive carbohydrate and convert glucose molecule to glucose pyranose enabling GI to less than 50. This breakthrough technology is the outcome of immense social responsibility to the field of life science.

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