Ayurvedic concept of aahara and its interrelation with manas and manas rogas
International Journal of Development Research
Ayurvedic concept of aahara and its interrelation with manas and manas rogas
Received 14th July, 2024; Received in revised form 29th August, 2024; Accepted 16th September, 2024; Published online 30th October, 2024
Copyright©2024, Dr. Bishnupriya Mohanty and Dr. Anushree Abhay Savarkar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Ayurveda is Science of life which incorporates physical, mental, spiritual and social aspect of life. Various Siddhanta’s, concept of Ahara, Pathyapathya, Vihara, Dinacharya, Ritucharya, various diseases including mental, physical along with their etiological factors and treatments are the topics which are briefly and significantly described in Ayurvedic texts. This ancient system of medicine has primarily and briefly explained about the concept of Manas, its importance in Sharira, its Guna and Doshas, various psychological disorders along with their presentation in the body (Rupa) and treatments. Predisposing factors of mental illness includes consumption of adulterated food, Viruddha Ahara or unwholesome food. Ahara taken without consideration of factors like Desha, Rutu, Prakruti, Matra, Avastha etc. disturbs the equilibrium of the body i.e. Doshadidushti, formation of Ama which leads to Vyadhi Utpatti. Considering today's era, overall lifestyle of people including altered, adulterated food habits, regimes etc. play significant role in causation of mental disorders. In case of mental disorders, Ahara, as a Hetu causes Dosha dushti, Manovaha Srotas Dushti, Hridayvikruti leading to Vyadhis like Unmada, Apasmara. Foods which people are consuming today are considered to be of Rajasika and Tamasika nature which escalate the Rajasika and Tamasikbhava in Manas i.e. affects and vitiate the Manas or Satva, i.e. Manovahasrotodushti. In case of disorders like depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, OCDs, Ahara plays key role amongst all etiologies. Also where the treatment part is concern Pathyapathya has to be taken into the consideration. Here attempt is made to correlate, compare and discuss about Similitude between Ahara and Manas Rogas with respect to their similar nature, constitution and their interdependent roles in Manas Vyadhi Utpatti also therapeutic action of Ahara in management of Manas Roga.