To assess knowledge regarding coronary artery diseases (cad) among patients attending medical opd with a view to develop guidelines on life style modifications at selected hospitals

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

To assess knowledge regarding coronary artery diseases (cad) among patients attending medical opd with a view to develop guidelines on life style modifications at selected hospitals

Priyanka Chouhan and Dr. Veena Williams


Background of study: Coronary artery disease is the single largest killer of both men and women worldwide. Coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease) has been defined as “impairment of heart function due to inadequate blood flow to the heart compared to its needs, caused by obstructive changes in the coronary circulation to the heart. The risk factors that precipitate Coronary artery disease can be presented in two categories that is modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Modifiable risk factors is one over which individual may access control. They are high density lipid, smoking, tobacco use, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, physical inactivity, obesity. A non-modifiable risk factor is a circumstance over which individuals have no control such as age, heredity, gender and race, as a community we need to ensure that patients have the information regarding CAD. So, the main aim of study is to assess knowledge regarding coronary artery diseases (CAD) among patients attending medical OPD and provide guidelines on lifestyle modifications for prevention of coronary artery diseases (CAD). Methodology: Quantitative research approach and descriptive research design was used and its research setting was selected hospitals of Jalandhar (Civil and Tagore hospital). Result and Conclusion: Results depicted that mean knowledge score of patients attending medical OPD was 15.9 and mean percentage was 54.82%. Hence, it was interfered that 44% were patients having average level of knowledge, 34% patients were having good level of knowledge and 22% patients were having below average level of knowledge regarding CAD among patients attending medical OPD. Recommendation: The study can be done on large sample in different research settings. A pre experimental study can be conducted to assess Effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding coronary artery disease among students of BSc Nursing.

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