Action – research as an hpv knowledge strategy

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Action – research as an hpv knowledge strategy

Ingrid Aparecida Rodrigues Vieira; Glenda Klicia Silva Rodrigues; Karolayne Teles Costa; Thayná Gabriele Pinto Oliveira; Samara da Silva Barbosa; Kamilly Cristine de Queiroz Pinho; Carla Cristina Costa Lima; Margareth Maria Braun Guimarães Imbiriba; Cintia Gabrielly da Luz Costa; Rafaely Caroline Pampolhae Mello and Rayssa Braun Imbiriba


The HPV is a virus sexually transmitted infection, that reaches both sexes, named also as condiloma acuminata, may cause injuries, and if unattended can cause cervical cancer, being the main cause of many women's death at Belém's Municipality, Pará. This study aimed to analyze the women's knowledge about the virus, answered in a health center. This study consists of the type descriptive with approach qualitative, developed with women answered in a health center at Bengui. The data were collected through of a questionnaire related to the HPV and developed in two moments, before and after the lecture. Before the action educational, the patients knowledge about the disease and way of transmission was considered basic but how to prevent and HPV signs a large part didn't show prior knowledge. Concludes that the patients hadn't information enough related to the virus, regarding the prevention, transmission, signs and symptoms, however it was observed with clarity after the action.

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