Acompanhamento de enfermagem ao idoso na atenção básica

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Acompanhamento de enfermagem ao idoso na atenção básica

Sara Rodrigues Araujo; Halline Cardoso Jurema; Maria Barbosa da Silva; Maria Rita da Conceição; Lourislene Lopes Sampaio; Luzia Alves Barbosa de Souza; Tamyres Oliveira Gama Schu; Sandra Regina Maria de Jesus and Juliana da Silva Vanderlei


The aging of the population is a reality in countries in the process of development, due to the fall in fertility, mortality and the increase in life expectancy, a factor that brings many challenges, especially for health. Materials and Methods: It was a descriptive, literature review study about the nursing follow-up to the elderly in Primary Care, in which the articles were searched in the month of April 2022 through the bases Virtual Health Library (BVS), Academic Google and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). Results: Primary Care nurses must understand that their actions go far beyond exchanging prescriptions, guidance in relation to blood pressure, blood glucose, food, environment, etc. it in its mental, physical, psychosocial and spiritual aspects. Conclusion: Among these actions, it stood out the nursing consultation with multidimensional assessment, the reception, health promotion and prevention of diseases through guidance to educational actions, support to family members and caregivers, instructions on the use of medicines, home visits, immunizations, coordination and training of teams, all in accordance with the guidelines of health policies.

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